Seven Weeks

Summer is over. My 8-year-old goes back to school Thursday. I’ve signed up my almost 4-year-old son for preschool. Here comes the homework nights, the early mornings, the “I don’t want to go to bed”, and all the other fun activities that come with school starting.

This year, my daughter Kylee will be entering the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program at her school. We are so excited for her, but she’s nervous and I’m nervous for her. This will be the first year since Kindergarten her best friend won’t be in her class. She’s of course worried about her friends, not about the coursework which I explained to her will be more difficult. I don’t foresee it being an issue because she was bored last year and completed everything too quickly. I’m actually slightly excited to see how different is really is. I’m also worried because school is different from when I was a child. Learning itself is different and what if I can’t help her with something? I’m not ready for her to go back. It was too quick.

Both of my kids had a pretty good summer though. The bad thing about working an 8 to 5 job is most of the fun activities was not with me. Their grandma took them on all kinds of adventures. They went to the beach a ton and got super tan. They went to Knott’s Berry Farm and Soak City several times. They went to parks and splash pads. Almost every day was an adventure.

Ghost Town Alive at Knott's Berry Farm
Ghost Town Alive at Knott’s Berry Farm

Their grandma even tried to take them to that disaster of a Build A Bear event. They waited in a line for a couple of hours before giving up. So, we took them on a different day! They ended up going with a friend of theirs and all three of them got adorable types of cats!

Build A Bear Buddies!
Build A Bear Buddies!

We did Nature Nights at the Oak Canyon Nature Center.

We did Home Depot Kid Days.

Kylee performed at Knott’s and Angel’s Stadium with her Cheer Group and she celebrated her 8th birthday and several of her friends birthday’s.

We had a reunion picnic for a bunch of my grandma’s old friends from her neighborhood.

It’s say it was pretty eventful,even if it only last seven weeks.

Seven weeks. It flew by faster than I could have imagined. She’s excited, she’s ready to go back. Ready to see all her friends and ready to learn. She can’t wait for Math and to show off her reading skills. She can’t wait to run and beat her 100 mile club record from last year (119 miles). She can’t wait to have her new teacher and to learn new things.

I can wait. You only get so many summers and it’s getting shorter and shorter. Seven weeks. It’s too short. Life is just flying by and I feel like I’m sitting on the sidelines.

My babies and I the last Sunday before school starts.

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