Life Continues and Updates

It’s been over a year since I’ve written anything. Sometimes, life just gets in the way and I really wish I would write more. There has been so much going on since I’ve last written I’m not even sure where to start.

I guess I could start with COVID-19 since that’s pretty much taken over the world and of course, all of our lives.

It started in March, I was at work and my coworker and I were discussing the growing number of cases around the world, but never in my wildest dreams could have ever thought what was about to happen was coming.

Within a week, my kids went into online learning and I started life at home with them. My work cut my hours from 40 a week to 16 a week. I started my ridiculous wait for unemployment, (I’ll save that for another post) and we went to live in a world of quarantine, toilet paper shortage and MASKS! People went crazy and started buying things in bulk. One of the worst things a friend told me was adults buying out baby formula for THEM just in case.

The world went crazy. It’s currently October, about a week and half from Halloween. We aren’t sure how that’s even going to work this year. We are still considering going Trick or Treating. My son wants to be Pikachu and my daughter wants to be a Huntress. I bought myself a special shirt which again, I’ll save for another post.

There is so much that I meant to make happen after my last post and I don’t know what happened. Life, kids, work?

Please stay tuned for my next post when I flash back to before COVID, back to when our lives were “normal” and we were still allowed to “have fun.”

I look forward to showing everyone what our life was like before COVID until now in the middle of COVID and hopefully when COVID is over.

Side note: My EB has not been bad at all during this time becuase… well, we aren’t going anywhere!

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