Mommy, I got a Blister..

I got to my mom’s house to pick up my babies shortly after work today. My son had been there all day, and my daughter went after school.

They both charged me down when I got out of my car. They were so excited to see me. It makes my day so happy to be able to come home to this.

After hugs from both of them, I went to walk in the house and my daughter (8 years old) hollered for me.

I stopped and asked her what she needed.

“Mommy, I got a Blister today.” She reached out her hand and there, smaller than a dime was a nice round blister.

Her little blister

I asked her what happened. She gave me a sheepish grin and said that she played on the bars today…without her gloves.

She said she was playing with some boys on the bars and they were racing each other.

“But don’t worry Mommy, I won.”

Less than 15 mins on the bars. That’s all it took.

She said she didn’t use the gloves because she slips off the bars with them and she really wanted to play.

I’m sad for her. She just wants to play like the other kids. I’m so thankful that her EB is mild and is currently only on her hands, but I feel for her pain and I wish I could take it away.

Tonight, I’ll carefully pop the blister, put our special antibiotic ointment on it, and cover it with a bandage.

Tomorrow, she won’t be able to play on the bars and she will hopefully fully heal over the weekend.

Her hands won’t callus, they don’t develop a resistance to it like other kids. She has EB, passed on from me.

There is a 50% chance of both my children inheriting it and so far my son doesn’t have any signs and I hope it stays that way.

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